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We are all teachers, looking to serve our students the best we can.  This page is a place where Stoich Decks can share resources to help you on your way.  We hope they are a blessing.

Solubility Rules

First year chemistry students may have a hard time determining whether or not a double displacement reaction will occur.  This simple set of rules will help them identify compounds that are likely to make precipitates and those that are likely to be soluble.  Click the link below to download the file.


Illuminated Stairs

Stoich Steps

Use this simple tool to help your students convert within the metric system.  It's simple, clear, and a great resource for junior high through high school. (And yes, I've had graduates ask me to email them a copy for their college classes...)

Naming Compounds Flow Chart

Use this simple flow chart to help students visualize why they are using the various naming conventions.  Helps kids be more confident as they are learning naming.

Science Experiments
Chip 1.jpg

Flamin' Hot Chip Lab

Students are introduced to thermochemistry by calculating the energy released when they combust their favorite chips.

CHeMgO Score Sheet

Print this score sheet out and give them to your students to play CHeMgO as a class.  This game allows you to select the challenge in this formula writing bingo game.  

Math Formulas and a Calculator

Equation Sheet

This is a simple equation sheet that I allow my students to use on their finals.  Hopefully it will give you some ideas about what to include on yours!

Periodic Trends Lab

This is a simple periodic trends lab for the alkaline earth metal ions.  Students use solubility of salts to identify a pattern.  Then they use the pattern to identify an unknown salt in ice melt.

Periodic Table
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pH Square
Visual Aid

This is a simple visual to help students picture the relationships among pH, pOH, [H+], and [OH-].  It includes all the equations to interconvert.

Polyatomic Ion Table

This is the polyatomic ion table that I make my students memorize.  It gives them a quick reference for many of the common ions.

Polyatomic Ion Quiz

This is the simple quiz that I give the students for the polyatomic ions that they memorize.


VSEPR Inquiry Lab with Marshmallows

Use this 50-minute activity to introduce the concept of VSEPR and molecular geometries.  The kids enjoy making models with marshmallows and better yet, they discover the 3D nature of molecules.

Simple Limiting Reagent Lab

This simple lab uses zinc powder and copper (II) sulfate to produce copper metal.  It can be entirely completed and weighed in on block period.

Copper Powder.png
Lab Experiments

Lost Label Practice Problems

Use these simple "Lost Label" problems to help students predict reactions as well as applying the solubility rules.

How much antacid are you really getting?  A limiting reagent lab

Try this new look at the old Alka Seltzer lab.  This time your students are trying use limiting reagent to figure out how much antacid actually reaches your stomach.  It's simple, fast, and clean.  Plus there's fizzing stuff, so it must be science.

Bubbles and Foam
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