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Brennan Koch
Aug 16, 20243 min read
Use this demo to get students asking "How?"
This could be the most important question for students to be asking in chemistry; “How?” At almost every level of chem, one of the...

Brennan Koch
Jul 3, 20244 min read
What to do with AP Chem test scores (or any test score!)
It’s almost time. AP scores come out very soon. For some of us, it feels like Christmas slowly approaching. For others of us, it feels...

Brennan Koch
May 3, 20244 min read
Teach the gas laws using the disposable water bottle lid launching demo
If you have taught as long as I have, you have lived through at least two really annoying disposable water bottle fads. Bottle...

Brennan Koch
Apr 12, 20244 min read
Late to the Party: Tips for Doing the Blue Glitter Intermolecular Force Demo for the First Time
I was late to the party. Like really late. I just did the blue glitter intermolecular force demo for the first time. I know, it’s the...

Brennan Koch
Apr 5, 20241 min read
AP Chemistry Unit 9: How to Remember Which Electrode is the Anode and Cathode
It's crunch time for AP chemistry. Many of us are teaching unit 9 right now. Here is a visual reminder for them which electrode is the...

Brennan Koch
Mar 29, 20243 min read
5 Simple steps to draw Lewis dot structures without puzzle pieces
I have to admit something. I don’t like using puzzle pieces for molecular compounds. There I said it. It’s cute for methane and...

Brennan Koch
Mar 15, 20245 min read
6 tips for being wrong the right way in the chemistry classroom
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in fourth grade competing in a Quiz Bowl with my other science nerd friends. The...

Brennan Koch
Mar 8, 20244 min read
Apply limiting reagent calculations with Jet Boat Races
While the applications of limiting reagent calculations might feel obvious to you and I, they aren’t to the students. Often, the...

Brennan Koch
Mar 1, 20244 min read
Use the Alka Seltzer lab for limiting reagent
There are a million different versions of the stoichiometry Alka Seltzer lab out there. And maybe I’m just a contrarian, but I have...

Brennan Koch
Feb 23, 20244 min read
Use the Stability First method for predicting chemical equations
There is an answer in chemistry to almost every “why” question. To become more stable. Why does nitrogen make a diatomic element? To...

Brennan Koch
Feb 16, 20242 min read
Use this fun video to introduce the rate determining step in kinetics
The rate determining step in kinetics can be made visual. I show this same grainy video every year to help students just starting...

Brennan Koch
Feb 9, 20243 min read
Stop teaching Conservation of Mass before completing chemical reactions.
This is the year for trying things in a new order. Some of them have worked to remove some common errors. I always used to teach...

Brennan Koch
Feb 2, 20244 min read
How to use a limiting reagent reaction to introduce writing chemical equations.
I’m doing an experiment. With my students. I introduced the concept of limiting reagent before they even know how to balance...

Brennan Koch
Jan 26, 20244 min read
Stop teaching swap and drop for ionic formulas in chemistry.
I feel like I’m at an addiction meeting. My name is Brennan Koch, and I don’t use the swap and drop method to write formulas for ionic...

Brennan Koch
Jan 20, 20245 min read
How to help students understand London Dispersion Force.
London Dispersion Forces (LDF) can be a little tricky to understand, especially for first year chemistry students. I started using this...

Brennan Koch
Jan 12, 20245 min read
Help students predict the products of chemical reactions using Hallmark Christmas movies.
Predicting the outcomes of chemical reactions is not only key to chemistry, but also a skill that some kids view as impossible. How are...

Brennan Koch
Jan 5, 20244 min read
10 Things to do and to avoid on the first day back from Christmas break
Christmas break is almost over. This inevitable day has been breathing down your neck for a while now. And now, your mind has to shift...
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Brennan Koch
Dec 24, 20236 min read
The best gift to give your chemistry students at Christmas.
Scan teacher social media and you will see all sorts of gifts that teachers give to their students. Silver plated ornaments, copper...

Brennan Koch
Dec 15, 20234 min read
Stop grading labs. Use a lab practical test instead.
Can you picture the giant stack of lab reports that you still haven’t graded? Maybe they have a digital notebook and you haven’t clicked...

Brennan Koch
Dec 8, 20233 min read
Introduce VSEPR theory and molecular geometries with marshmallows.
Sometimes simple wins. This is one of those times. Try using marshmallows to introduce VSEPR theory and have the kids use inquiry to...
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