In this strange time of virtual teaching there have been numerous chances for teachers to reflect on our craft. I had this epiphany tonight as I was texting back and forth with a struggling student (and yes, my students have my phone number). I miss being in the foxhole with my kids! I miss feeling as though I am right there beside them working together to overcome our inadequacies to challenge this giant called chemistry. On one of my end-of-year surveys my class received what I consider to be the highest commendation. "This was the hardest class I have ever taken. And it was totally worth it." And here is my struggle. In this distance learning model, I feel relegated to be the purveyor of information. I don't want to be a purveyor. I want to be a co-laborer. And when I go to my digital meetings and have to tell the kids to turn on their video so I can see them at all, I become the purveyor. I have spent hours in small group video chats, I have recorded hours of lecture, I have a Q and A channel. But still, I find it hard to be in the foxhole with them. So here is the challenge to you, "How are you entering the foxhole?" Let's join this battle together and look to our left and right to see the dirt-stained, sweat-drenched faces of the kids we are battling with. And for.
