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The classroom set is five decks for a class of 30 students!  The cards are made with quality and will withstand many years of use.  Even teenager use.


Trendy is the classroom chemistry game designed to help students quickly recognize periodic trends on the table.  Students will learn atomic radius, effective nuclear charge, first ionization energy, electronegativity and electron affinity.  It is a simple game to play and the students will be engaged in no time.

The fast paced game plays like many familiar family games, so the rules are simple and the students can focus on the content.  It is a great way to engage students on weeks when you just can't do another lab!


How to Play

Chemists are dealt a hand of 6 cards.  Start two piles in the middle of the table; a pile for elements (1-36 excluding the d-block) and a pile for periodic trends.  Players then either play an element that follows the trend, change the trend, or draw a card.  The first player to play all of their cards is the winner!

For example,  the top card on the element pile is "S" and the trend card is "Increasing Radius".  The next player could play "P" becuase it is in the same energy level (as denoted by the atom rings on the top right of each card) and it follows the trend.  "P" is larger then "S" due to a reduced effective nuclear charge.

When players first start playing the game, they are required to play a card that is either in the same family (as denoted by color) or energy level (as denoted by the atom rigngs).  Once they become more confident in their skills, that constraint can be removed and the conversations about perdiodic trends will really increase around the table!

Classroom Set of Trendy

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